
How Property2X Used Gallabox to Achieve a 300% Increase in Gross Profit

Discover how Property2X boosted their gross profit by 300% in one month, cut call centre executives by half, and more, all thanks to Gallabox!


Reduction in call centre

operational overheads


Save on marketing

advertising costs


Increase in gross business

profits(from 1 month)

Pain Points 🥲

  • Burgeoning Overhead Costs
  • Disengaging Canned Responses
  • Skyrocketing Marketing & Inventory

Results 🤩

  • Operational overheads reduced by 67%
  • Marketing and inventory costs saved by 53%
  • Gross business profits increased by 300%

The Tale of Property2X

Property2X is a renowned venture of Molgain Infra and Realtors. Their efficient platform offers undeniably genuine real estate investment opportunities. However, their platform is not a high-stakes venture that depends on instincts. On the contrary, the Property2X team performs a meticulous due diligence process prior to listing any property on their site.

Although they have significant prominence in the Delhi NCR region, ongoing expansion plans include other cities as well. Property2X is a lucrative channel for real estate investors seeking multiple returns matching their requirements and timelines. The prospect of guaranteed returns is universally appealing to all investors.

Challenges Encountered by Property2X 😥

Managing a real estate business has never been a walk in the park, and Property2X sure had their fair share of roadblocks.

Burgeoning Overhead Costs

In many respects, the term 'manual intervention' can be interpreted as 'inefficient utilization of resources.' The painstaking approach to handling every minute detail manually can result in a significant expenditure of time and capital that might otherwise be engaged more effectively.

Canned Responses Causing Disengagement

There's a typical unease that stems from receiving a response that seems to be strikingly 'copied and pasted'. That's essentially the concern in focus here. It became apparent that such templated responses were not exactly igniting much enthusiasm.

Skyrocketing Marketing and Inventory Expenses

It is certainly surprising to realise that the idiom 'ignorance isn't bliss' holds true in regard to expenses! The rise in marketing and inventory costs was due in part to a lack of comprehensive analytics, leading to an obscured strategic approach.

Property2X's Partnership with Gallabox for WhatsApp Automation

Property2X was struggling to find ways to streamline their operations, eliminate inefficiencies, and reduce costs. Gallabox, a WhatsApp business automation solution, offered them all the tools they needed to achieve their goals.

Gallabox's platform enables businesses to automate their WhatsApp communications. This allows businesses to save time and money, while also providing a better customer experience. Property2X has been able to use Gallabox's platform to improve its customer service, accelerate the sales cycle, and cut down on expenses.

Getting a Grip on Greedy Overhead Costs

Gallabox helped Property2X significantly reduce their overhead costs with intelligent chatbots that worked around the clock. These tireless digital assistants answered repetitive questions, freeing up human employees to focus on more complex tasks.


Mr. Satendra Singh Tomar

Co-Founder and CEO, Property2X


In today's world of instant gratification, the ability to answer customer queries quickly and accurately is not just an advantage, it's a necessity

These chatbots didn't just answer questions. They also gathered data for lead qualification. That's like having an assistant who never sleeps - and never asks for a raise!

  1. 24/7 customer service? Check.
  2. Elevated customer satisfaction? Obviously!
  3. A streamlined operation with reduced overheads? You bet :)

Trading Canned for Candid with Gallabox

How often do customers encounter a robotic, impassive response from businesses? A touch of human warmth can make a significant difference. Stripping away the clichéd rehearsed responses, Gallabox empowered Property2X with a fusion that was a perfect balance of personalisation and automation.

By adding a human touch to all automated conversations Property2X transformed their sales prospecting experience. While the shared team inbox made conversations transparent, other features like chatbot-powered lead qualification accelerated their sales process.

Thrifty on Inventory and Marketing Expenditure

Juggling expensive inventory and flamboyant marketing campaigns can be an epic drain on the company fund pool.

However, after implementing Gallabox, Property2X witnessed a whopper 50% drop in capital expenditure on marketing while also slicing their inventory management costs in half. Features like segmented broadcasts, drip marketing, and actionable analytics revved up their growth engine by reducing spend and increasing ROI.


Mr. Satendra Singh Tomar

Co-Founder and CEO, Property2X


Gallabox helped reduce our call centre executives by 50% and cut down our inventory and marketing costs by half. Also, the platform's automation and personalisation features are the best in the market. Most impressively, our gross profit grew by 300% within a month.

Are you ready to replicate the success story
of Property2X?


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