
Improving Patient Experience at ITEES Eye Hospital: A Gallabox Success Story

Learn how ITEES Eye Hospital built a thriving and satisfied customer base with personalised patient care through WhatsApp Automation with Gallabox.


Increased employee productivity


Growth in Patient Footfall


Improved Return Visits

Pain Points 🥲

  • Legacy tools causing delays
  • Too much reliance on manual effort
  • Redundancy and repetitive tasks

Results 🤩

  • 70% increase in employee productivity
  • 500% growth in patient footfall
  • 3x improvement in return visits

The Battle with Traditional Customer Support Methods

Even with their medical proficiency, ITEES was wrestling with the administratively exhaustive and time-consuming task of customer support. Here are some common manual patient care management troubles that motivated them to look beyond the traditional means and manual effort:

Manual Data Transfer: A Herculean Task

A key obstacle in ITEES’s patient care management process was that their communication platforms were incompatible with their CRM software, Odoo.

For data to move effectively across applications, the internal team had to perform the repetitive and unproductive task of manually transferring data from the CRM to these apps. Unavoidably, this further drained the staff's valuable time.

Time Drains in Communication Efforts

These communication methods were not just ineffective; they were also costly and time-consuming. It required substantial manual effort to sell through these channels and offer customer support.Time is an incredibly precious commodity in the healthcare realm, and unproductive techniques for task execution can hurt both the organisation and patient satisfaction.

Information Overload and Repetition

Their strategy of manually reaching out to customers and prospects led to an overload of information that demanded careful cross-verification. They had to verify data manually to avoid asking repetitive questions to their clients - a vital but monotonous process that ate into their employees' productivity.Such bureaucratic procedures slow down the daily operation and lead to longer customer waiting times, impacting customer satisfaction negatively.

The Turning Point: Choosing Gallabox

With these cumbersome procedures and numerous inefficient processes, it was clear ITEES needed a change. Casting around for a solution, they sought an innovative solution capable of streamlining their processes, saving them valuable time, and enhancing their customer relationships.

This triggered ITEES' search for a robust solution to streamline their customer interaction process and reduce the burden of manual work — a journey that led them to Gallabox.

The Move from WATI

Choosing a suitable WhatsApp Business API provider was another challenge ITEES had to overcome. With their phone number constantly being blocked and limitations placed on the numbers that could be linked with an account, the inadequacies of their previous provider, WATI, were evident.

Their long, arduous search led them to the savvy and supportive Gallabox team.

Why Gallabox?

The transition, however, wasn't an out-of-the-blue decision.ITEES considered multiple WhatsApp Business API providers but ultimately chose Gallabox for its exceptional onboarding support and a unique set of features that set Gallabox apart in the realm of WhatsApp Automation.

Their administrative and technical team found Gallabox an effective solution to their existing limitations and problems with the help of Gallabox's excellent onboarding support - something they didn't find in their previous provider, WATI.

A Multifaceted Impact

The eye hospital optimised its operations by using Gallabox to increase review collection, improve customer engagement, and send booking confirmations and appointment reminders.

The transition to Gallabox allowed the hospital to free up its service and success teams from the strenuous process of manually transferring data. Gallabox's integration with Odoo automated everything – from sending appointment reminders to the review collection process.

This liberating transition primarily benefitted the hospital's 'front-office warriors' – their customer-facing staff in administration and reception areas to focus on high-impact tasks.

Empowering Frontline Warriors

The shift to Gallabox was more than just a change of platform for ITEES. It brought them remarkable success in improving their Google ratings and feedback collection mechanism.

Automating post-appointment interaction through Gallabox Chatbot drastically improved the hospital's rating. By freeing up their front-office staff and delivering exceptional service, they experienced a higher frequency of repeat customer visits and new customer footfall.


Mohammed Udaif

ITEES Eye Foundation


Using Gallabox for the post-visit feedback and ratings collection process, a task that involved a sizable effort with a low ROI. The benefits we reaped by switching to Gallabox were nothing short of impressive.

Save time and effort while delivering
an exceptional customer experience!