quatar insurance company

How Qatar Insurance Company Doubled Lead Generation with Gallabox

Here's the awe-inspiring tale of how Qatar Insurance Company boosted lead generation, customer satisfaction, and automated responses with Gallabox.


Increase in employee productivity


Growth in lead generation


Improvement in CSAT rates

Pain Points 🥲

  • Legacy tools causing performance gaps
  • Problems with using personal numbers
  • Inability to track chats and leads in CRM

Results 🤩

  • 30% increase in employee productivity
  • 102% growth in lead generation
  • 2x improvement in CSAT rates

Introduction: Qatar Insurance Company

When we talk about the big wigs in the insurance game, Qatar Insurance Company (QIC) seriously packs a punch! This public powerhouse has been consistently making waves for over half a century! Yeah, you heard that right - they celebrated their 59th birthday not so long ago. Back in 1964, they burst onto the scene as the first domestic insurance firm in Qatar and they've been smashing it ever since.

Grabbing a top spot in the Qatar market, they've romped away with a sizeable slice of the insurance pie in both the GCC and MENA regions. They're not just big on reputation though - we're also talking sizeable digits! When it comes to written premium and total assets, QIC sits comfortably as one of the heaviest hitters in the whole MENA region.

The Speed Bumps Faced By Qatar Insurance Company

With a mixture of legacy tools communication systems and skyrocketing customer expectations, here's the lowdown of what Qatar Insurance Company was up against:

Winging It with Old School, Legacy Tools Wasn't Fun

QIC's old-school tools were a bit of a bother, always leaving the team in a lurch with late replies, thanks to the sluggish communication systems. Inability to track WhatsApp chats?

Yes. Assigning tasks to the right folks? A nightmare! And, let's not even get into the topic of talking about CRM and WhatsApp sync. It was just a wild dream…

The Personal or Individual WhatsApp Number Dilemma

Ah, the perils of using personal or individual WhatsApp numbers! They were bombarded with a torrent of unwarranted voice calls, making it as tricky as juggling flaming batons to effectively manage their overflowing communication.

Finding Wally: The Quest of Tracking Chats and Leads in CRM

Tracking chat interactions, automating responses, directly generating leads within their CRM system and collecting vital data analytics were all capabilities they sorely missed. This deficit in integration and automation threw a spanner in their operational efficiency, turning customer experience into a choppy ride.

Qatar Insurance Company and Gallabox: Together, Winning Hearts and Minds!

After the adoption of Gallabox, these obstacles were effectively navigated. They could now respond without delay, track WhatsApp interactions, allocate tasks efficiently, and generate leads within their CRM, which in turn resulted in enhanced efficiency and customer contentment.

Gallabox arrived as a crucial resolution at the ideal moment. The level of support offered by the Gallabox team was highly commendable. Positive feedback from its existing customer base further instilled confidence and paved the way for Qatar Insurance Company to take the plunge.

The Customer Service Ninja That Keeps Customers Happy

Gallabox has proven to be a handy tool for several key tasks within their operations. For starters, it dons the badge of their official 800 meta-verified number, making chit-chat with customers over WhatsApp smooth. Gallabox has helped them add a dash of professionalism to their customer communication and give a nice little boost to their overall brand image.

The Gallabox's automatic reply feature like a customer service ninja, ensures swift and accurate responses to queries, even when everyone's clocked off and dreaming about the weekend. This
AI-powered efficiency has turned their customer interactions merry by delivering speedy information at all hours.

Helping QIC Score Big with WhatsApp Business API Integration

Why did Qatar Insurance Company wholeheartedly choose Gallabox for their WhatsApp Business API integration? Integral to their decision was Gallabox's user-friendly interface which seamlessly integrated with their CRM system and became an instant hit with the team.

The significant boost in productivity and the elimination of manual redundancy was a game-changer. Gallabox lined up with the business needs of Qatar Insurance Company ranging from smooth automation to powerful lead gen and qualification. The positive customer reviews on popular platforms only underscored Gallabox's efficacy.

Gallabox was the magic potion that elevated Qatar Insurance Company's business game to towering heights. If Gallabox were on a dating app, QIC wouldn't just swipe right, they'd super like! It was a match that surpassed the heights of communication nirvana, leveraging their WhatsApp Business API integration, and cranking their business processes to the max.

Navigating the Process of Productivity and Efficiency

And here's the real kicker, Gallabox promised (and oh boy, did it deliver) a seamless melding with the existing CRM system of Qatar Insurance Company. Plus, it sported a user interface that was as easy as pie. Even their team, who could sometimes be a bit technophobic (no names being pointed out here), found it a breeze to navigate!

Did we mention the improved productivity? A whopping 30%, folks! In a nutshell, Gallabox's sophisticated features and automation process captivated them. They chose it over other options for integrating WhatsApp Business API due to its unrivalled excellence in managing their communication processes.

CRM and Third-Party Integration: The Path to Greatness

Last, but not least, when it came to integration, they didn't have a battalion of third-party apps cluttering things up. Just Gallabox and Zoho CRM, keeping things neat and tidy.

So, after taking the leap with Gallabox, Qatar Insurance Company now basks in the glory of grand lead gen numbers, impressive productivity increase, and an all-time high in customer satisfaction. Can we get a hell yeah?


Hazim Nazir

Quality and Audit Officer, Qatar Insurance Company


Gallabox streamlined communication, improved customer service, and increased productivity by 30%. It integrates with CRM, tracks customer interactions, and is user-friendly. If you're looking for a way to improve your productivity and customer service, I highly recommend Gallabox.

Zap your process inefficiencies and customer
replies with Gallabox now!


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