Create Effective WhatsApp Introduction Messages for Your Business

December 3, 2024
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5 mins
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Written by:
Yogesh Narayanan
Illustrated by:
Arvin David

December 5, 2024

In today’s digital world, communicating with a customer plays an important part in your business’s growth. WhatsApp is fast becoming the most preferred business communication medium in recent years, it is therefore important that businesses leverage the opportunity provided by this channel to deliver messages that communicate value and interest in your products and services. To ensure that customers are interested and eager to take your business communications to the next level, it is important to know how to build a connection with customers via messages.

What is a WhatsApp greeting message?

A WhatsApp Business Greeting Message is a welcome message that you send to your customers when they send a message to your WhatsApp Business Account. The greeting message can help you create a personal connection with them and establish trust. It's important to use the greeting message to build a relationship with customers. It's also a great way to make sure they know who you are and what your business does.

Good customer rapport is key to business growth, when messaging a customer it is important to establish a brand voice, which is friendly and non-intrusive. A business greeting message should be one of the first interactions you make with your customers to ensure that you get their attention. By doing so, you are putting yourself in a favorable position with your overall customer relationship strategy.

WhatsApp Greeting Message example for an educational institution
Example of a WhatsApp Greeting Message for an educational institution

Boost Your Messaging with AI-Generated Templates

Creating the perfect greeting message for your WhatsApp Business account can be challenging, but with the right tools, it becomes a breeze. Our new AI WhatsApp message Generator is designed to help you craft personalized, effective messages effortlessly. Whether you're looking to welcome new customers, engage existing ones, or create promotional messages, this tool has you covered. Best of all, you can generate these templates for free.

Top 27 WhatsApp Greeting Messages [Ready-to-use templates]

Now that we’ve seen some tips on creating a welcoming messages, let’s look at some of the popular examples of WhatsApp Business greeting messages. Click on the copy icon at the top right of each template to copy the message to your clipboard.

Greeting message for a new customer

This is one of the main reasons why many brands use welcome messages. Personalized welcome messages for new customers will showcase that your business cares about them. This will greatly impact your brand loyalty.

Let’s see some examples of how you could greet new customers:

‘Hi! Welcome to [your business]. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you can check out our vast portfolio of [products/services]' can_copy_tExt
‘Thank you for your interest in our business. We will get back to you on your request shortly!’ can_copy_tExt
‘Hi [Customer Name], we welcome you to the [Business Name] family! Feel free to contact our helpdesk if you have any queries.' can_copy_tExt
‘Hi [Customer Name]. Thanks for subscribing to our service. Chat, mail or call us if you have any questions.’ can_copy_tExt

Greeting messages for holidays

Customers would often require immediate assistance, which might not be possible during national or religious holidays when your business might work in a limited capacity. So it is important to create a personalised greeting message for holidays.

Diwali greeting messages for WhatsApp Business

‘Hi! [Your Business] would like to wish you a Happy Diwali. Due to the holiday season we are overwhelmed with orders! We will get back to you shortly.’ can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Happy Diwali! May the light of this festival illuminate your homes, and may the joy of this occasion spread in every corner of your lives.
Have a great day! can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Happy Diwali to all. May this festival of lights bring you happiness, prosperity, good health and peace. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Diwali is the time to spread love and light. A time to remember all your loved ones and wish them a Happy Diwali. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Diwali! can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Happy Diwali! Your home will be filled with light, love and laughter. can_copy_tExt

Christmas greeting messages for WhatsApp Business

‘Hi [Customer Name]. Merry Christmas! Thanks for choosing our business, Santa's agents will get back to you within 2 hours.’ can_copy_tExt

Greeting message for Christmas:

Hey [Customer Name],
Merry Christmas! May the warmth of a thousand Christmas lights warm your heart, and may you have a Christmas that is full of joy and happiness. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Have a wonderful day filled with blessings. May you find peace and joy during this season of giving and receiving. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Merry Christmas to you! Have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends filled with fun, laughter, and joy. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Merry Christmas! You and your loved ones be blessed with the love of God and the joy of the season. Have a wonderful Christmas! can_copy_tExt

Greeting messages for August 15:

Hey [Customer Name],
Happy Independence Day! On this day, let's take a moment to remember India's path to freedom. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Happy Independence Day! Hoping you are having a great time today, and that we can all come together to celebrate our freedom as a country. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Happy Independence Day! May this day be a reminder of the sacrifices and struggles that our freedom fighters went through to get us where we are today. May we always remember them, and their spirit. can_copy_tExt

Greeting message for New Year 2023:

Hey [Customer Name],
Happy New Year 2023! May the year ahead bring you health, happiness and success. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Happy New Year 2023! May all your wishes come true. May you achieve all your goals and aspirations this year. I hope you have a wonderful time ahead. can_copy_tExt
Hey [Customer Name],
Happy New Year 2023 to you and your family! I hope that this year brings you everything you want and more. May this be the best year yet! can_copy_tExt

Opt-in greeting message

To ensure that you can engage with customers constantly, it is important to make them subscribe to your content. These opt-in welcome message templates will help you with just that.

‘Thanks for your interest in [Your Business], Reply YES if you are interested in receiving information about new products and discounts.’ can_copy_tExt
‘We noticed your interest in our [product name]! It is one of our best selling products, would you like to look at more such products? Reply YES if you are interested and NO if you’d like us to stop messaging you. We hate to spam :)’ can_copy_tExt

Greeting messages for promotional events

As a business, you might be creating several promotional events. By creating customised greeting messages for each event, you increase your chances of turning interested users into customers.

‘Hi [Customer Name]! Thanks for signing up for our annual Easter Lucky Draw. We will be posting the results of the draw in two days. In the meantime, you can check out our latest products [link]’ can_copy_tExt
‘Hi [Customer Name], thanks for showing interest in our Year-End Sale. We will be posting some of the best offers shortly!’ can_copy_tExt

Greeting messages for customers who have referred you

Referral customers are one of the most important targets for businesses. Referrals will greatly benefit your brand and you should therefore make sure that you create messaging that can bring in new business for your brand.

‘Thanks for sharing your love for our business with your friends. We have credited your account with [amount] for your efforts! Happy shopping’ can_copy_tExt

Out-of-office greeting messages

Most businesses inevitably close shop for a period of time during a year. If you are one of them, you can use these out-of-office greeting message examples to engage with your customers.

‘[Your Business] will be closed for the next two weeks for the summer break. We will get back to you at the earliest. Thank you for your patience.’ can_copy_tExt
‘[Your Business] will be closed for the next two days. In case you need any assistance with your order during this time, you can email your enquiries to [Email Address]. Thank you.’ can_copy_tExt

Tips to write great WhatsApp greeting messages

By creating comprehensive welcome messages, you should make your customers feel that you care about them and their experience with you. The following five points will show how your business can create a welcoming and engaging WhatsApp greeting strategy.

Give adequate information in your greeting message

When we say greeting messages, we don’t mean something like a simple ‘Good Morning’ or ‘Welcome’ message. While a simple greeting message might look good, it doesn’t serve any purpose. It is, therefore, important to add adequate information to make sure that customers get value from your greeting messages. This will ensure that your customers look forward to your message. When your customers understand the importance of that information, it helps them decide whether or not to respond.

Use direct headlines

When creating a greeting message, it is imperative to use a direct headline. It is the headline that can make or break your WhatsApp business greeting. It is important to include important information in the headline to help your customers know what they can expect from you. You can even create a great sense of anticipation by writing intriguing eye-catching headlines. Here are a few examples:

Reminder: Looks like you left something behind…

There are still items left in your cart!

Need help making a decision?

You have great taste! Get the items in your cart before they sell out!

Speak their language. Use multi-lingual greeting messages

Going local can have many benefits. It helps increase your customer’s affinity. So, when you create a local language greeting message, it can be a huge advantage for you and your business. Your greetings should not only be in English but also in the local language. This will help you get the attention of non-English speakers in India. Moreover, WhatsApp business greeting messages that are in different languages can attract a wider audience.

Use industry-specific creative content

As an extension of the personalization point, you should also look to engage your customers with creative content. Using engaging images, emojis and videos as greeting messages can make your business stand out of the crowd. By creating meaningful and fun welcome messages for WhatsApp Business, you can get high customer engagement. The main goal is to make your customers use your WhatsApp business greetings and help promote your brand. Here are a few examples:

Fashion: [Customer Name], Get summer ready with the items in your cart! 👒🕶️

Fitness: [Customer Name], burn calories this new year! Enjoy 15% off only today! 🏋🏼‍♀️🥊

Food: [Customer Name],Throwing a NYE party? We have you covered! 🍔🍟🍕

Beauty: [Product Name] is perfect for the summer! ☀️☀️

How to send WhatsApp greeting messages using WhatsApp chatbots

Now that you’ve seen some examples, you must’ve realised that personalisation is key to creating the best greeting message. One of the most critical steps to ensure personalisation is data collection. If you collect the right data, you can create customised WhatsApp greeting messages that make your customers feel valued.

Employing WhatsApp's chatbots is a simple and efficient manner to collect data. By creating custom-built WhatsApp chatbots that can be easily integrated into your business, you can get real-time customer information. Therefore, it is important to partner with a good data-driven WhatsApp business partner like that of Gallabox to help you improve your customer relationships.

If it is too soon for your business to start using WhatsApp chatbots, you can start by using WhatsApp click-to-chat links in your website. When your customers click on the link, they will automatically be able to send messages to your WhatsApp account. We've also created two free tool for you here: WhatsApp Link Generator and WhatsApp QR code generator.

Send WhatsApp greeting messages for your marketing campaigns with Gallabox

Gallabox is a reputed WhatsApp business partner with a team of experts who make sure that businesses can create customer-centric experiences. We help businesses with the delivery of their engaging WhatsApp messages through our collaborative tool that gives you a better chance to convert customer conversations into actions. We have helped several businesses create unique segments to bulk broadcast WhatsApp template messages and quick replies to achieve higher conversion rates.

Further Reading:

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