How to easily build a ChatGPT-based WhatsApp AI Chatbot
How to easily build a ChatGPT-based WhatsApp AI Chatbot

How to easily build a ChatGPT-based WhatsApp AI Chatbot

Yogesh Narayanan

Table of Contents

In today's fast-paced world, customers want prompt, personalized experiences. But these often come with coding complexities and costly integrations. Sarah runs a handful of clothing boutiques across a few cities. As her business scales, she finds herself dealing with the accompanying challenges––rising sourcing costs, labor charges, rent, customer service/support, and so on.

She is in the midst of having announced the launch of a special collection. However, she seems to be struggling a bit with the new launch. Why?

  • Each time she has shared product drops (typically, these are special products available for a limited amount of time or only a limited quantity is available for purchase), her customers have reached out with queries regarding color and size availability, offers and discounts, shipping rates, and more. Sarah finds the volume of queries overwhelming.
  • Some of her peers suggested that she use marketing automation to respond to queries. But Sarah finds it daunting to learn a new tool.
  • Moreover, she can’t afford to hire more marketing staff. Costs are on the rise and she is reinvesting a part of the revenue into growing her business.

Sounds painfully familiar?

Enter WhatsApp AI Chatbots: a no-code solution for one-on-one customer interactions without increasing headcount! Instead of hiring extra staff or learning to code, Sarah has decided to use a WhatsApp AI Chatbot. In a few clicks, her chatbot is live to engage customers, answer queries, and even take orders on WhatsApp. This has allowed Sarah to focus primarily on her business while optimizing her time spent on customer service and support.


We’ve put together everything you need to know about building a WhatsApp AI chatbot with ChatGPT for your business.

Marketing Challenges faced by Small & Medium Businesses (SMBs)

Marketing is becoming increasingly complex. It’s challenging, especially for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), to vie for customers' attention. Some issues that SMBs face to stay relevant are:

  • Limited resources: SMBs operate with smaller teams and tighter budgets, making it difficult for them to allocate resources for customer support.
  • Efficiency and automation needs: As the business grows, it’s important to establish efficient processes that minimize resource wastage while maintaining service quality.
  • Scaling challenges: A growing customer base requires marketing, sales and support operations that scale accordingly. But remember, SMBs have to do this while keeping costs low.
  • Quick response time: Customers demand prompt service and responses. Any delay inevitably leads to dissatisfaction.
  • Consistent quality: High standards of communication have become imperative for survival. Customer retention and loyalty depend on service quality and accuracy.

As an SMB, how do you enhance conversation quality while keeping costs low?

Customers are flocking to Conversational AI Chatbots 

Today’s reality: Customers expect businesses to be personal, relevant, and quick.

Chatbots—AI-powered tools simulating human conversation—meet these expectations by providing prompt, real-time information.

 According to research firm PSFK, 74% of customers prefer chatbots for common questions. Customer relationship management (CRM) software HubSpot found that 47% of customers are open to buying through chatbots.

Conversational AI chatbots are now being built using large language models (LLMs), which are computational models trained on large sets of data to understand human language and generate content. Some examples include OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer, Google’s Gemini, Anthropic’s Claude, and Meta’s Llama 3. 

A chatbot can easily address your SMB’s business communication challenges. But how much would it cost you?

Building a custom chatbot can be expensive. But there is an amazing, low-cost alternative using WhatsApp!

Meet WhatsApp AI Chatbots.

What is a WhatsApp AI Chatbot?

WhatsApp AI chatbots are your lean, mean marketing, sales, and customer service machines on autopilot!

These are automated chat assistants that use AI to understand and respond to queries on WhatsApp. Now, when a customer wants to know if a printed shirt is available at their nearest store, they message Sarah’s WhatsApp business chat. Her WhatsApp AI chatbot instantly checks inventory and responds–all done in a few seconds–with suggestions for complementary items.

OpenAI's GPT is a cutting-edge language model that can generate human-like text. It is trained on an extensive dataset to translate languages, summarize text, and answer questions with remarkable accuracy.

The Benefits of Using a WhatsApp AI Chatbot

A WhatsApp chatbot powered by AI can help you convert prospects, boost sales, share timely communication, and drive loyalty. The best part? You get all of this without complex integrations or a huge marketing budget!

Explore the possibilities of WhatsApp AI Chatbots for your business. 

WhatsApp AI Chatbots empower SMBs with these benefits: 

  • 4/7 access: Send proactive and responsive messages for every imaginable scenario––around the clock.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Handle large volumes of customer queries with a lean team in terms of training and keeping your system updated. For example, if you have launched a new feature, you can input all the related information to the bot that will learn and be able to respond to customer queries without much effort.
  • Personalization at scale: Learn from interactions to generate personalized responses that can help convert even the most hard-to-please customer. Gather data on your customers’ tastes, preferences, and behaviors to fine-tune your marketing and business strategies.
  • High-quality communication: Improve your SMB’s conversational capabilities with well-articulated and easy-to-understand responses to complex queries.
  • Multilingual conversations: GPT’s translation abilities let you extend customer support in multiple languages, helping you expand into local and international markets. This is still at a nascent stage and is evolving at a rapid pace.
  • Quick Responses: Deliver instant responses to nearly any customer query––from product details and shopping links to payment modes.
15 Clever Use Cases For Your WhatsApp Chatbot | Gallabox - Gallabox Blog
Unlock the potential of your WhatsApp chatbot with these 15 clever use cases. From customer support to lead generation, learn how chatbots can streamline your business operations.

How to create a WhatsApp AI chatbot by connecting ChatGPT

Here’s a step-by-step WhatsApp chatbot tutorial.

Step 1: Sign up for WhatsApp Business API.

WhatsApp Business API is a dynamic tool designed for businesses to communicate with customers via WhatsApp.

5 Steps to Set Up Gallabox for Your Entire Business - Gallabox Blog
This is a comprehensive guide on how to make the most out of Gallabox and set up the account in five simple steps with reference documentation.

The best way to sign up for a WhatsApp Business API is through an official provider like Gallabox. Create a code-free custom whatsapp chatbot in minutes, with features such as analytics, reporting, and contact management at affordable prices.

Step 2: Build your Chatbot effortlessly

Drag and drop bot cards, which decide the conversation flow between your business and the users.

Step 3: Train and Optimize your WhatsApp AI Chatbot

Infuse AI into your bot flow with our GPT capabilities. Train the AI by providing knowledge/information about your business just as you would do when you onboard a sales/marketing colleague. You can do this by entering relevant prompts on your own.

If you’re new to this, sign up for a 7-day free trial of Gallabox. Our team will guide you every step of the way.

For example, if you are a local travel company, you may want to create automated responses to common queries. You may also want to guide customers to relevant services. In this case, an AI-based chatbot will provide more advantages than a rule-based chatbot. The latter is a flow that only knows specific information and cannot “understand” user responses in different contexts.

With a rule-based chat flow, if a user messages a local travel company about a car to rent for a few days, they would have to provide specific responses to the bot. If the bot asks, “Are you a visitor or a resident in Dubai?”, the user has to play by the rules and use those specific terms to respond and say “visitor” or “resident”. 

If they type something free-form such as, “I live in Dubai” or “I am visiting Dubai”, the rule-based bot will not be able to understand the response. However, an AI-based chatbot can figure out whether the user is a resident or visitor of Dubai in the first or second instance, mimicking human intelligence capabilities. 

Rule-based chat flows are helpful when the use cases involve predictable processes such as getting inputs from users for a particular event or feedback for any service or product.

Why Gallabox is the easiest way to build your Whatsapp AI chatbot

Creating a custom ChatGPT-based WhatsApp chatbot for your business may sound like a mammoth task. But when you leverage a verified WhatsApp business solution provider like Gallabox, the process becomes almost too easy.

  1. Gallabox's no-code visual builder allows you to create automated customer engagement chatbots with ease. Our predefined templates help you send contextual messages based on customer inputs, actions, and events––at no additional cost. Here are some of our most popular chatbot templates:  
  1. Our advanced dashboard and analytics suite lets you monitor a variety of performance metrics. Get in-depth insights into what’s working for your brand and what can be improved, which will help fine-tune your chatbot to enhance your customer conversations and build a better relationship with them.
  2. Gallabox’s integrations let you seamlessly connect to your existing tech stack— your CRM software, payment gateways (currently supports Razorpay and of course, you can use WhatsApp’s native payments feature), direct-to-consumer (D2C) apps, marketing tools, and data connectors—in just a few clicks.

Bring the power of AI to your WhatsApp conversations

WhatsApp AI chatbots can revolutionize how you reach your customers. They blend the speed and accuracy of machines with the personal touch of human interaction. 

The result? 

Superior marketing and customer service from your brand - the kind delivered by large businesses but at a fraction of the cost. And all this without writing a single piece of code, which is easily configurable and customizable.

And when you leverage a powerhouse such as Gallabox, not only do you get to build a ChatGPT-enabled WhatsApp chatbot to suit your unique needs but you also gain:

✔ A user-friendly interface that simplifies managing multiple marketing campaigns.

✔ Shared team inbox to streamline and personalize customer interactions effortlessly.

✔ Multi-tool automation for efficient operations, including drip marketing, personalized broadcasts, and automated sequences.

✔ Seamless integration with platforms such as Shopify, Zoho CRM, RazorPay, and more.

✔ Exceptional customer service and support.

Build the WhatsApp AI Chatbot of your dreams, with a free 7-day trial of Gallabox today.

Frequently Asked Questions on WhatsApp AI Chatbots

1) What are WhatsApp AI Chatbots?

WhatsApp AI chatbots are AI-based automated programs that interact with users on WhatsApp. They understand and respond to queries in a human-like manner, helping businesses automate tasks and provide instant customer support.

2) What are the benefits of WhatsApp AI chatbots for my business?

WhatsApp AI chatbots offer several benefits, including 24/7 customer support, improved efficiency by automating routine tasks, cost savings on customer service, and personalized interactions.

3) Are WhatsApp AI chatbots safe?

Yes, WhatsApp AI chatbots are safe. The chatbots use end-to-end encryption for messages so that customer data and interactions are secure and private. Verified WhatsApp Business solution providers such as Gallabox adhere to strict data protection regulations.

4) Is it difficult to build a WhatsApp AI chatbot for my business?

Building WhatsApp AI chatbots is relatively easy, especially with platforms like Gallabox that offer user-friendly interfaces and no-code solutions.

5) Is it free to create a WhatsApp AI chatbot?

Creating a WhatsApp AI chatbot may involve costs depending on the platform and features you choose. Platforms such as Gallabox offer affordable pricing plans for various business sizes and goals.
